Professional Services

Let us Build it For You
We are the computer telephony and SMS experts. Do you have a great idea but not the resources or expertise to build it? Let us use our toolkit to build and implement to your specifications. We can quote a fixed price based per your specs.
We keep the rights to our toolkit and any changes to the actual toolkit, but you take the IP and source code to what we build for you.
Would you like help planning a big development project or doing a large implementation? We are here to help you succeed!
Our enterprise experience reaches far and wide. We understand the challenges that IT professionals face. With our combined experience of hundreds of years, we can help navigate the challenges.
We can train you one by one or by department about our API’s and products. We can assist in your development projects.
We have often worked with clients to help them get started. We work with you until you feel comfortable and tell us “we can take it from here”.
Need help connecting to that SIP PBX, gateway or SIP trunk? We have connected to hundreds of switches, phones, and trunks. Contact us for a free quote.
Disaster Recovery
Need help recovering from that crashed system? Contact Us!
By the Hour
Sometimes our customers just need some help getting over a few hurdles. We can just help you by the hour. We may even have some code snippets that are already working that we can share with you.
Schedule a Consultation
Talk to us about how we can help. We know you want to know how much it will cost and when it will be done. We will work with you to get the answers.