Configuring Server General Application Behavior

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Configuring Server General Application Behavior

You can configure the behavior of your Voice Elements Server’s application level behavior by editing the settings in the VoiceElementsServer.exe.config file. This file is located in the root directory of the server installation. The default is C:\Program Files\Inventive Labs\Voice Elements Server\.

These settings are in XML format, only change the value between the <value>&</value> tags. Changing any other part of the file will break your server. To be safe, always back up the file before editing.

[Connection] – Settings that Determine Where the Server Listens for Client Connections & Authentication

These settings allow you to change the server’s listening for incoming connections.

Listening IP
<setting name="ServerListeningIp" serializeAs="String">

Set this as the string value of the IP on which the server will listen for incoming client connections. Client applications will need to be coded or configured to request a connection on this IP.

Listening Port
<setting name="ServerListeningPort" serializeAs="String">

Set this as the string value of the IP port on which the server will listen for incoming client connections. Client applications will need to be coded or configured to request a connection on this port.

Connection String
<setting name="ServerConnectionString" serializeAs="String">

This setting should reflect the IP and Port set above. Set this to the string “gtcp://” + ServerListeningIp + “:” + ServerListeningPort.

Telephony – High Level Telephony Settings

Call Analysis – Call Progress and Analysis Settings

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